
Understanding Initiations

Let what comes come. Let what goes go. See what remains– Ramana Maharshi The quote above is something that has guided me during particularly tumultuous times on my path. Those times are almost always when I am going through an initiation of some sorts ­– when I...

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The Body as Present Moment

Those who have followed my work know about my passion for embodiment, and how important I believe that awakening through the body is. Spirituality done in an embodied way (actively doing, living out, felt emotionally) results in transformation of identity and daily...

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Reconciling the Archetypal Witch

It seems this time of year the topic of witches always comes up, specifically discussion around the phrase we are the witches you could not burn (or we are the granddaughters of the witches that you could not burn). This discussion typically goes as follows: Some...

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