The Two End Points of Spiritual Awakening

When exploring the different thoughts and philosophies when it comes to spiritual awakening it is helpful to understand that there are two basic maps, both with a different “finish line”. The first map suggests that the completion point of spiritual awakening is...

How to Feel (in an Embodied Way)

In my book, The Body Deva, I teach people the skills needed to communicate with their bodies. How to work with everything from emotions to lingering ancestral trauma patterns is covered. Since the time I have published that book, I have realized that many people...

Adoption and Ancestral Work

One of the first spirits that I suggest that people connect to when interested in shamanic and spiritual work is their ancestors. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that ancestors are pretty close to us energetically and so are easier to contact. They...

Finding Grace

Many started the spiritual journey quite early in life. In childhood an essential trust was broken between child and parent– the child learned that they could not be loved and cared for in a way that could carry them through life. They then sought something larger...