If you are looking for Spiritual Guidance, I recommend my Spiritual Support Groups, which you can find here… I do not offer individual spiritual guidance services.
About Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is an opportunity to work with the energetic and spiritual reasons for blockages, pain, physical and emotional health concerns, as well as more existential issues.
You can come to spiritual healing with a specific idea in mind, like an area of pain or felt imbalance in your body. It can also be more existential, like a feeling of being stuck in your life, an area of your life you feel held back in, or vaguer feelings of emptiness, disconnection, or repeating patterns that you would like to heal.
It may also be emotionally based, such as a desire to work with anger, fear, depression, or grief. Many people come to spiritual healing because they wish to break through patterns of being (places they feel stuck, or beliefs that they wish to release), or because they wish to turn over a new leaf in their lives.
Spiritual healing works from the basis of understanding that all of our imbalances– physical, emotional, mental, spiritual– come from some level of disconnection. The purpose of spiritual healing is to resolve that disconnection, and to become connected in a loving way to ourselves, to others, and to the world (cosmos, etc).
I am a generalist, which means that I am able to work with a wide variety of spiritual, mental-emotional, and physical concerns. I have a background in somatic and physical/mind-body modalities and all of my work is grounded in the body. Working through the body shifts all levels of being: physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual.
I also have a background in occultism-magic, philosophy, psychology, and literature which informs my work.
I have over twenty years of experience working with individuals going through spiritual awakening, as well as working with sensitive (or “psychic”) individuals.
Other groups I have worked quite a bit with are artists, addicts as a part of their recovery (addiction often has spiritual roots), adoptees (I am an adoptee myself), individuals with high intellect, migraine and headache sufferers, “outliers”, “black sheep”, near-death experiencers, and people who have life-altering religious, spiritual, or occult (magic-based) experiences that they are having difficulty integrating (including those who have worked with plant medicine, pharmaceutical, or drug-based therapies).
I am open and welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community, as well as any faith/spiritual orientation (including those who may be more “scientific”, or struggling due to prior disbelief in spiritual reality).

About Your Session
My work is body-centered, focused on healing, and includes you as a part of the process. I meet people where they are; this means that we will do whatever work is helpful and healthy for you during a session.
During our session together I will be asking you some questions and to reflect on them. By working through the body we can create wonderful changes in body (your life/every-day reality), mind, and spirit.
My work is based in a spirit-model world view. I have spent decades developing spiritual relationships as well as undergoing spiritual initiations with teaching and helping spirits to bring shamanic and spiritual work to my clients.
I work with people of all faiths, and if I am not already educated on your particular spiritual path, I am always open and curious to learn.
I view spiritual work as a form of artistry, with each session emerging into something totally unique, beautiful, and soul-led by the client and their needs.
Sessions may include inner child work, ancestral healing, past life healing, archetypal work, and energy work. In a session I may bring an element (like the water element), or call on other forces to assist in our session.
During a session I will likely direct you to take a breath in and out, or breathe into an area of your body. We will sometimes pause to sit with emotions and realizations that arise.
I may also share received information (intuition), journey (spirit flight) to gather information or retrieve lost power or soul parts, or utilize merged states (trance/voluntary possession) during our session.
I approach even the darkest aspects of self with respect and love (our rage has a reason for being, for example. So does our resistance, addictions, and all the parts of ourselves that we feel are “wrong”, “bad” or “Other”). I work best with people who are willing to look at the depths of themselves with honesty and openness.
I may offer aftercare as a part of the session. This may include “homework”, or simply suggestions for how to best process and integrate the work that we have done.
If you are interested in an appointment, you are welcome to contact me. Please include what you may want to focus on during a session (a paragraph or two about why you are seeking spiritual-energetic healing).
Please note: I do not take clients who feel as if something spiritual is chasing them or attached to them.
Sessions are distance (phone, Skype, or Zoom), approximately 60 minutes in length, and are $150 US per session. The sessions I offer are audio only (no video) as this allows for us to focus on deeper considerations during the appointment.
I offer appointments Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7:30 am-5:30 pm CST/Chicago time- last appointment starts at 4:00 or 4:30 pm).
You can contact me here to book an appointment, or for questions regarding appointments
If you wish to read about the type of work I offer, I recommend my books The Body Deva or The Shamanic Workbook series. You may also be interested in Shadow Work for the Soul. None of these books are required reading prior to an appointment with me, however.
For more information on spiritual and shamanic healing, you can read a blog on Spiritual Healing here…
For more About Mary