Please contact me to register and receive the payment and zoom link.
All courses are payable via PayPal or Stripe. Payment link will be sent upon registration
All courses are taught via Zoom. A recording of the course will be sent to all participants, including those who cannot attend live, approximately 1-2 days after the course
2025 Schedule
Spiritual Support Group
Each group will begin with a ten minute discussion by Mary about a specific topic regarding spiritual awakening . After that, the group will open up for questions, sharing, and support from all who gather about any facet of spiritual awakening. These groups are suitable for anyone going through any type of spiritual awakening (such as kundalini, top down, psychic, shamanic, etc.). Those who are struggling with psychic abilities or sensitivities are also welcome to take part.
Coming together in community is a wonderful way to feel less alone in a process that can often feel overwhelming and isolating.
Done via Zoom/recorded for those who cannot attend live
Each individual group is $36 US
Thursday, March 13th from 4:00-5:30 pm CST
– Intro Topic: Dark Nights (of the Soul)
Thursday, June 5th from 4:00-5:30 pm CST
– Intro Topic: Psychic and Spiritual Sensitivities
Thursday, September 18th from 4:00-5:30 pm CST
– Intro Topic: Kundalini Awakenings
Thursday, November 20th from 4:00-5:30 pm CST
– Intro Topic: Sudden Awakenings
Communal Healing
One of my teachers always used to say shared pain is lessened pain. When we heal together in community we are able to explore, feel, and transform larger energies within ourselves.
Each course has a specific topic that will be focused on. As an experienced ritualist I will guide you into safely being a part of the group field and feeling and shifting energies within yourself in an embodied way.
The energies of the group are just as available and potent via recording as they are live, but if you are able to attend live, I would encourage it.
Takes place via Zoom/recorded
Each course is $24 US each
Thursday, April 10th from 10:00-11:00 am CST
– Resentment/Frustration: it is typical for us to carry resentment and frustration from past experiences that still remain within our hearts, bodies, and souls. Come together in ritual and recognize and release the frustration and resentment carried and cut cords with those who you may still be energetically connected to due to frustration/resentment.
Thursday, August 7th from 10:00-11:00 am CST
– Healing the Heart: so often we close down, armor, shield or prevent our hearts from being fully open and loving. Come explore the heart space and feel into the protection and barriers that have been created there and create space for openness and flow.
Thursday, October 16th from 10:00-11:00 am CST
– Depression/Despair/Hopelessness: by feeling even into the darkest places within ourselves– the parts of ourselves that feel depression, despair and hopelessness– we can acknowledge and honor these places. Once these parts of ourselves have felt validated and been given a voice, we will find ourselves in new relationship with them. This workshop will teach self-boundaries, such as how to approach even the darkest energies within ourselves, with grace, and a bit at a time (titration).
You can contact Mary to sign up for any of her courses
For questions regarding workshops or to sign up, you can send me an email here…
I will update via my newsletter (sign up here) when new workshops are announced.